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Không Cho Click Chuột Phải ...
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Code:<SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.1> function right(e) { if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape' && (e.which == 3 || e.which == 2)) return false; else if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' && (event.button == 2 || event.button == 3)) { alert('Chuc Mot Ngay Vui ve - Gui Wedsite Cho Ban Be Cua Minh Nha !'); return false; } return true; } document.onmousedown=right; if (document.layers) window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); window.onmousedown=right; </SCRIPT>
CODE Làm Thanh Tiêu Đề Web Chạy Trên Task Manager Khi Đóng Mở Web ..
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Code:<script language=javascript > title_tmp1=document.title if (title_tmp1.indexOf(">>")!=-1){ title_tmp2=title_tmp1.split(">>"); title_last="*~*"+title_tmp2[1]; title_last=title_last + "*~*" + title_tmp2[2]; }else{ if (title_tmp1.indexOf("*~*")!=-1){ title_tmp2=title_tmp1.split("*~*"); title_last="*~*"+title_tmp2[1]; if (title_last=="*~*"){title_last="*~*"}; if (title_last=="*~*"){title_last="*~*"}; } else { title_last=" wWw.KyNiemB2.Top1.Vn "} } title_new=""+title_last+"" step=0 function flash_title() { step++ if (step==8) {step=1} if (step==1) {document.title='[----*'+title_new+'*----]'} if (step==2) {document.title='[---*-'+title_new+'-*---]'} if (step==3) {document.title='[--*--'+title_new+'--*--]'} if (step==4) {document.title='[-*---'+title_new+'---*-]'} if (step==5) {document.title='[--*--'+title_new+'--*--]'} if (step==6) {document.title='[---*-'+title_new+'-*---]'} if (step==7) {document.title='[----*'+title_new+'*----]'} setTimeout("flash_title()",180); } flash_title() </script>
CODE Chống Click Chuột Phải ... Và Làm "Giật Giật Web Nêu Người Xem Cứ Cố ý Click Right ...
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Code:<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> document.onmousedown=click var times=0 var times2=10 function click() { if ((event.button==2) || (event.button==3)) { if (times>=1) { earthquake() } alert("Ban Ko Dc Click Chuot Phai"); times++ } } function earthquake() { alert("Ban Ko Dc Click Chuot Phai"); window.moveTo(0, 0) window.moveTo(1, 1) window.moveTo(2, 2) window.moveTo(3, 3) window.moveTo(4, 4) window.moveTo(5, 5) window.moveTo(6, 6) window.moveTo(7, 7) window.moveTo(8, 8) window.moveTo(9, 9) window.moveTo(10, 10) window.moveTo(9, 9) window.moveTo(8, 8) window.moveTo(7, 7) window.moveTo(6, 6) window.moveTo(5, 5) window.moveTo(4, 4) window.moveTo(3, 3) window.moveTo(2, 2) window.moveTo(1, 1) alert("Giat Nhu Fiml Nha??!") tremmors() } function tremmors() { window.moveTo(0, 0) window.moveTo(1, 1) window.moveTo(2, 2) window.moveTo(3, 3) window.moveTo(4, 4) window.moveTo(5, 5) window.moveTo(6, 6) window.moveTo(7, 7) window.moveTo(8, 8) window.moveTo(9, 9) window.moveTo(10, 10) window.moveTo(11, 11) window.moveTo(12, 12) window.moveTo(9, 9) window.moveTo(8, 8) window.moveTo(7, 7) window.moveTo(6, 6) window.moveTo(5, 5) window.moveTo(4, 4) window.moveTo(3, 3) window.moveTo(2, 2) window.moveTo(1, 1) tremmors() } </SCRIPT>
CODE Làm Con Chuột Có Mấy Cái Vòng Chạy Chạy Xung Quanh ...
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Code:<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Mouse Attack by Kurt Grigg - http://www.btinternet.com/~kurt.grigg/javascript var num=10;//Number of dots! var vel=20;//Speed! var col=new Array('#0080ff','#ffffff','#0000ff','#44ccff');//Dot colours, min 2! var stopafter=60; //Stop and clear after x secondS! //Nothing needs altering past here.................... var MAy=0; var MAx=0; var py=0; var px=0; var angle=0; var distance=0; var rep; var ry=0; var rx=0; var tmr=null; var n4=(document.layers); var n6=(document.getElementById&&!document.all); var ie=(document.all); var o6=(navigator.appName.indexOf("Opera") != -1)?true:false; var _d=(n4||ie)?'document.':'document.getElementById(" '; var _a=(n4||n6)?'':'all.'; var _r=(n6)?'")':''; var _s=(n4)?'':'.style'; var v=(n4)?"show":"visible"; var put=false; stopafter*=1000; if (n4||n6){ window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); function mouse1(e){ if (put) return false; MAy = e.pageY-window.pageYOffset; MAx = e.pageX; } if (n4) window.onMouseMove=mouse1; else document.onmousemove=mouse1; } if (ie||o6){ function mouse2(){ if (put) return false; MAy = (ie)?event.clientY:event.clientY-window.pageYOffset; MAx = event.clientX; } document.onmousemove=mouse2; } if (n4){ for (inc=0; inc < num; inc++) document.write('<layer name=dots'+inc+' top=0 left=0 width='+inc/3+' height='+inc/3+' bgcolor=#ffffff></layer>'); } else{ if (ie&&!o6){ document.write("<div id='outer' style='position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px'>"); document.write("<div style='position:relative'>"); } for (inc=0; inc < num; inc++) document.write('<div id="dots'+inc+'" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:'+ inc/3+';height:'+inc/3+';background:#ffffff;font-size:1">.</div>'); if (ie&&!o6) document.write("</div></div>"); } function pos(){ h=(ie)?document.body.clientHeight:window.innerHeig ht-20; w=(ie)?document.body.clientWidth:window.innerWidth-20; ry=Math.round(Math.random()*h); rx=Math.round(Math.random()*w); rep=Math.round(Math.random()*3); if (rep == 3)ry=0; if (rep == 2)ry=h; if (rep == 1)rx=0; if (rep == 0)rx=w; py=ry; px=rx; } pos(); function followleader(){ sy=(!ie)?window.pageYOffset:0; sx=(!ie)?window.pageXOffset:0; if (ie) outer.style.top=document.body.scrollTop; for (inc=0; inc < num; inc++){ randomcol=col[Math.floor(Math.random()*col.length)]; temp1=eval(_d+_a+"dots"+inc+_r+_s); temp1.visibility=v; if (inc < num-1){ temp2=eval(_d+_a+"dots"+(inc+1)+_r+_s); temp1.top=temp2.top; temp1.left=temp2.left } else{ temp1.top=py+sy; temp1.left=px; } if (n4)temp1.bgColor=randomcol; else temp1.background=randomcol; } } function bomb(){ ay=MAy-py; ax=MAx-px; angle=Math.round(Math.atan2(ay,ax)*180/Math.PI); if (angle < 0) angle += 360; MAdy=py-MAy; MAdx=px-MAx; distance=Math.floor(Math.sqrt(MAdx*MAdx+MAdy*MAdy) ); go_y = Math.round(vel*Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)); go_x = Math.round(vel*Math.cos(angle*Math.PI/180)); py+=go_y; px+=go_x; if (distance < vel) pos(); followleader(); tmr=setTimeout("bomb()",20); } bomb(); function dsbl(){ v=(n4)?"hide":"hidden"; put=true; MAx=0; MAy=0; setTimeout('clearTimeout(tmr)',stopafter+100); } setTimeout('dsbl()',stopafter); //--> </script>
TITLE Chạy .....
-------------------------------------------------------------Code:<script language=JavaScript> var txt=" ..:: WelCome To Website | wWw.KyNiemB2.Top1.Vn | Mang Giai Tri Online -> 12B2 THPT EaH'Leo - Daklak - Design : HoangVu Entertainment© -"; var expert=200; // speed of roll var refresh=null; function marquee_title(){ document.title=txt; txt=txt.substring(1,txt.lenghth)+txt.charAt(0); refresh=setTimeout("marquee_title()",expert); } marquee_title(); </script>
Dòng Chữ Chạy Dưới web ...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Code:<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> puchtit=")«-»(..:: Welcome To WwW.NhoOi.Kiss.To ::..)«-»("; letrero2="·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·"; letrero1="·.¸¸.·´´¯`··._.·";ultimo1=letr ero1.length-1; ultimo2=letrero2.length-1; tiempo=setTimeout("scroll()",.100); function scroll() { aux1=letrero1.charAt(ultimo1-1); letrero1=aux1+letrero1.substring(0,ultimo1-1); aux2=letrero2.charAt(0); letrero2=letrero2.substring(1,ultimo2+1)+aux2; window.status="(" + letrero1 + ")(" + letrero2 + puchtit + letrero1 + ")(" + letrero2 + ")"; tiempo=setTimeout("scroll()",.100); return true; } // --> </script>
Tạo 1 Button Giờ Trên Website
---------------------------------------------------------------Code:<SCRIPT language=JavaScript> <!-- Begin day = new Date(); miVisit = day.getTime(); function clock() { dayTwo = new Date(); hrNow = dayTwo.getHours(); mnNow = dayTwo.getMinutes(); scNow = dayTwo.getSeconds(); miNow = dayTwo.getTime(); if (hrNow == 0) { hour = 12; ap = " AM"; } else if(hrNow <= 11) { ap = " AM"; hour = hrNow; } else if(hrNow == 12) { ap = " PM"; hour = 12; } else if (hrNow >= 13) { hour = (hrNow - 12); ap = " PM"; } if (hrNow >= 13) { hour = hrNow - 12; } if (mnNow <= 9) { min = "0" + mnNow; } else (min = mnNow) if (scNow <= 9) { secs = "0" + scNow; } else { secs = scNow; } time = hour + ":" + min + ":" + secs + ap; document.form.button.value = time; self.status = time; setTimeout('clock()', 1000); } function timeInfo() { milliSince = miNow; milliNow = miNow - miVisit; secsVisit = Math.round(milliNow / 1000); minsVisit = Math.round((milliNow / 1000) / 60); alert("There have been " + milliSince + " milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970. " + "You have spent " + milliNow + " of those milliseconds on this page. " + ".... About " + minsVisit + " minutes, and " + secsVisit + " seconds."); } document.write("<center><form name=\"form\">" + "<input type=button value=\"Click for info!\"" + " name=button onClick=\"timeInfo()\"></form></center>"); onError = null; clock(); // End --> </SCRIPT>
Bộ Đếm 10 , 9 ....0
--------------------------------------------------------------Code:<!---------------------------------------- NOJ DUNG ---------------------> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <!------------------------------- Thanh Trượt ----> <STYLE>BODY A:link { COLOR: #253d59; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:visited { COLOR: #253d59; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:hover { padding:0px; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; MARGIN: 0px; COLOR: #253d59; tahoma: } A:active { padding:0px; BACKGROUND: #ffffff; MARGIN: 0px; COLOR: #253d59; tahoma: } HTML { SCROLLBAR-FACE-COLOR: #ffffff; SCROLLBAR-HIGHLIGHT-COLOR: #ffffff; SCROLLBAR-SHADOW-COLOR: #ffffff; SCROLLBAR-3DLIGHT-COLOR: #ffffff; SCROLLBAR-ARROW-COLOR: #8b8b8b; SCROLLBAR-TRACK-COLOR: #ffffff; SCROLLBAR-DARKSHADOW-COLOR: #7a7a7a } BODY { SCROLLBAR-FACE-COLOR: #ffffff; SCROLLBAR-HIGHLIGHT-COLOR: #ffffff; SCROLLBAR-SHADOW-COLOR: #ffffff; SCROLLBAR-3DLIGHT-COLOR: #ffffff; SCROLLBAR-ARROW-COLOR: #8b8b8b; SCROLLBAR-TRACK-COLOR: #ffffff; SCROLLBAR-DARKSHADOW-COLOR: #7a7a7a } </STYLE> <!------------------------- Kieu Chu -----------------> <META content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0" name=GENERATOR></HEAD> <BODY> <CENTER><B><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 40pt" face="Comic Sans MS" color=#ffff00>[</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 40pt" face="Comic Sans MS" color=#ff3333> <A href="http://www.kyniemb2.top1.vn/">w</A></FONT><A href="http://www.kyniemb2.top1.vn/"><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 40pt" face="Comic Sans MS" color=#cc00ff>W</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 40pt" face="Comic Sans MS" color=#ff3333>w.</FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 40pt" face="Comic Sans MS">K<FONT color=#00ff00>y</FONT><FONT color=#ff0000>Ni</FONT>e<FONT color=#ffff00>m</FONT><FONT color=#cc00ff>B2</FONT>.T<FONT color=#00ff00>o</FONT>p<FONT color=#ff3399>1</FONT>.V<FONT color=#ff0000>n</FONT></FONT></A><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 40pt" face="Comic Sans MS" color=#ff3333> </FONT><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 40pt" face="Comic Sans MS" color=#ffff00>]<BR></FONT><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#ff3399 size=6>Thay Đôi? Tên Miê`n Chính Thú*c </FONT></B> <DIV id=txt align=center></DIV><!--------------------- Doạn CODE ----------------> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> var c=10; var t; var theDate = new Date(); s=theDate.getSeconds(); function ChangeUrl(site){ document.getElementById("txt").innerHTML='<br><br> <br><h3><a href="http://www.NHOOI.KISS.TO" target=Index><font face="Comic Sans MS" color=3366CC></a><br><a href="'+site+'" target=Index><font color=FF00FF><big>Click vào đây đê? vào Trang Chu? </big></font></font></a></h3><br><br><br><p align="center"><FONT face="Tahoma">Trình duyệt sẽ tự động chuyển sang <b><font color=blue>'+site+'</font></b> trong vòng <b><font color=red>'+c+'</font></b> giây nữa.<br></Font>'; document.getElementById("txt").innerHTML+='<strong ><a href="'+site+'" target="_top" onClick="this.style.behavior=\'url(#default#homepa ge)\';this.setHomePage(\'http://nhooi.kiss.to\');"><Font Face="Tahoma">Click vào đây nếu bạn chờ quá lâu [ Click ] Vao Day Cung Duoc !^^.</a></strong><br></span></p></Font>'; c-=1; url=site; t=setTimeout("ChangeUrl(url)",1000); stopCount(c,url); } function stopCount(c,link){ if(c==-1) {clearTimeout(t); location.href=link;} } </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT> ChangeUrl('Http://KyNiemB2.Top1.Vn'); </SCRIPT> <!---------------- Chu 2 --------------------> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=6><B><FONT color=#ff0000>Design</FONT></B><B><FONT color=#00ff00> </FONT><FONT color=#cc00ff>:</FONT><FONT color=#00ff00> </FONT><FONT color=#ffff00>Hô`</FONT><FONT color=#00ff00> Ho</FONT>àng<FONT color=#00ff00> </FONT><FONT color=#0000ff>Vũ</FONT><FONT color=#00ff00> </FONT><FONT color=#cc00ff>®</FONT><FONT color=#00ff00><BR></FONT></B><FONT color=#ffff00>Website</FONT><FONT color=#00ff00> :wWw.KyNiemB2.Top1.Vn</FONT></FONT><FONT color=#00ff00 size=6><BR></FONT></CENTER> </TEXTAREA></P></BODY></HTML>
Chữ ẩn hiện và thay đổi chữ
---------------------------------------------------------------Code:<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://thangbombh.sg.st --> <!-- ThangBomBH, thangbombh@thangbombh.zzn.com. --> <!-- Begin // add as many or as few messages as you would like var msg=new Array() msg[0]="<CENTER>Chao mung cac ban den voi ThangBomBH Homepages ...!</CENTER>"; msg[1]="<CENTER>...Chuc cac ban luon thanh dat va vui ve.</CENTER>"; msg[2]="<CENTER>Just type in \"<A href='http://thangbombh.sg.st/'>Thangbombh.sg.st</A>\"</CENTER>"; msg[3]="<CENTER>Cam on cac ban da ghe tham !</CENTER>"; // set your first set of colors. Use as many or as few as you wish. var colors1=new Array("ffffff", "eeeeff", "ddddff", "ccccff", "bbbbff", "aaaaff", "9999ff", "8888ff", "7777ff", "6666ff", "5555ff", "4444ff", "3333ff","2222ff", "1111ff", "0000ff") //set your second set of colors // *** must have exactly the same number of colors as the array above *** var colors2=new Array("ffffff", "ffeeee", "ffdddd", "ffcccc", "ffbbbb", "ffaaaa", "ff9999", "ff8888", "ff7777", "ff6666", "ff5555", "ff4444", "ff3333", "ff2222", "ff1111", "ff0000") //set the height of the display in pixels high=60; //set the width of the display in pixels wide=350; //set the pixel coordinates for the upper left hand corner of the display Xpos=220; Ypos=180; // move the display away from the edges of the background pad=15; // set the background color of the display bgcol="ffffff"; //add a background image if you want. // *** for no image, just leave empty quotes (ex. cellbg=""; ) *** cellbg="faderbg.jpg"; // set the font fntFam="verdana,helvetica,arial"; fntSize=14; // set how how many seconds you want the message to stay remain at totality. pause=2.5; // Do not edit these values below!!! icolor=0; mcolor=1; imsg=0; spWidth=wide-(2*pad); totality=false; glowing=true; var theMsg=""; var cellcontent=""; pause=pause*1000; if(cellbg.length>4){cellbg=" background="+cellbg} else{cellbg="";} function doPause(){ totality=false; t=setTimeout("changecolor()",pause); } function initiate(){ getContentColor(); getMsg(); getCellContent(); if(document.all){ msgbg.innerHTML=cellcontent; msgfade.innerHTML=theMsg; msgbg.style.posLeft=Xpos; msgbg.style.posTop=Ypos; msgfade.style.posLeft=Xpos+pad; msgfade.style.posTop=Ypos+pad; t=setTimeout("changecolor()",50);} if(document.layers){ document.msgbg.document.write(cellcontent); document.msgbg.document.close(); document.msgfade.document.write(theMsg); document.msgfade.document.close(); document.msgbg.left=Xpos; document.msgbg.top=Ypos; document.msgfade.left=Xpos+pad; document.msgfade.top=Ypos+pad; t=setTimeout("changecolor()",100);} } function changecolor(){ if(totality==true){doPause();} else{ getMsg(); getContentColor(); if(document.all){ msgfade.innerHTML=theMsg; t=setTimeout("changecolor()",50);} if(document.layers){ document.msgfade.document.write(theMsg); document.msgfade.document.close(); t=setTimeout("changecolor()",70);} } } function getFadeColor(){ icolor=icolor-1; if(mcolor==1){contentcolor=colors1[icolo r];} else{contentcolor=colors2[icolor];} } function getGlowColor(){ icolor=icolor+1; if(mcolor==1){contentcolor=colors1[icolo r];} else{contentcolor=colors2[icolor];} } function changemsg(){ if(imsg==msg.length-1){imsg=0; mcolor=1;} else if(imsg != msg.lenght-1 && mcolor==1){imsg=imsg+1; mcolor=0;} else{imsg=imsg+1; mcolor=1;} } function getContentColor(){ if(icolor==colors1.length-1 && glowing==true){ getFadeColor(); glowing=false; totality=true;} else if(icolor < colors1.length && glowing==true){ getGlowColor();} else if(icolor < 1 && glowing==false){changemsg(); getGlowColor(); glowing=true;} else{getFadeColor();} } function getMsg() { theMsg="<span style='font-size:"+fntSize+"pt; font-family:"+fntFam+"; width:"+spWidth+";'>" theMsg+="<B><font color="+contentcolor+">"+msg[imsg]+"</font></B> " theMsg+="</span>" } function getCellContent(){ cellcontent="<TABLE height="+high+ " width="+wide+" bgcolor="+bgcol+" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR><TD"+cellbg+"> </TD></TR></TABLE>"} // End --> </script> </HEAD> <!-- STEP TWO: Insert the onLoad event handler into your BODY tag --> <BODY onLoad="initiate()"> <!-- STEP THREE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <DIV id=msgbg style="position: absolute;"></DIV> <DIV id=msgfade style="position: absolute;"></DIV> <!-- Script Size: 5.17 KB -->
Link đổi màu tự động
-------------------------------------------------------------Code:<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://thangbombh.sg.st --> <!-- Begin function initArray() { for (var i = 0; i < initArray.arguments.length; i++) { this[i] = initArray.arguments[i]; } this.length = initArray.arguments.length; } var colors = new initArray( "red", "blue", "green", "purple", "black", "tan", "red"); delay = .5; // seconds link = 0; vlink = 2; function linkDance() { link = (link+1)%colors.length; vlink = (vlink+1)%colors.length; document.linkColor = colors[link]; document.vlinkColor = colors[vlink]; setTimeout("linkDance()",delay*1000); } linkDance(); // End --> </script> <p><a href="http://thangbombh.sg.st">Welcome to ThangBomBh Homepages !</a></p> <!-- Be sure to include some links in your HTML page! --> <!-- Script Size: 0.98 KB -->
Chữ vòng quanh theo con trỏ
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Code:<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Original: ThangBomBH (thangbom_bh@yahoo.com) --> <!-- Web Site: http://thangbombh.sg.st --> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://thangbombh.sg.st --> <!-- Begin if (document.all) { //Things you can alter yourLogo = "Welcome to ThangBomBH Homepages !"; //Not less than 2 letters! logoFont = "Arial"; logoColor = "000000"; //Nothing needs altering below! yourLogo = yourLogo.split(''); L = yourLogo.length; TrigSplit = 360 / L; Sz = new Array() logoWidth = 100; logoHeight = -30; ypos = 0; xpos = 0; step = 0.03; currStep = 0; document.write('<div id="outer" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px"><div style="position:relative">'); for (i = 0; i < L; i++) { document.write('<div id="ie" style=& quot;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px; ' +'width:10px;height:10px;font-family:'+logoFont+';font-size:12px;' +'color:'+logoColor+';text-align:center">'+yourLogo[i]+'</div>'); } document.write('</div></div>'); function Mouse() { ypos = event.y; xpos = event.x - 5; } document.onmousemove=Mouse; function animateLogo() { outer.style.pixelTop = document.body.scrollTop; for (i = 0; i < L; i++) { ie[i].style.top = ypos + logoHeight * Math.sin(currStep + i * TrigSplit * Math.PI / 180); ie[i].style.left = xpos + logoWidth * Math.cos(currStep + i * TrigSplit * Math.PI / 180); Sz[i] = ie[i].style.pixelTop - ypos; if (Sz[i] < 5) Sz[i] = 5; ie[i].style.fontSize = Sz[i] / 1.7; } currStep -= step; setTimeout('animateLogo()', 20); } window.onload = animateLogo; } // End --> </script> <!-- Script Size: 1.93 KB -->
Chữ chạy theo con trỏ, chữ này có bóng
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Code:<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Original: ThangBomBH (thangbom_bh@yahoo.com) --> <!-- Web Site: http://thangbombh.sg.st --> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://thangbombh.sg.st --> <!-- Begin message = 'Welcome to ThangBomBH Homepages !'; FonT = 'Verdana'; ColoR = '999999'; SizE = 3; //1 to 7 only! var amount = 5, ypos =- 50, xpos = 0, Ay = 0, Ax = 0, By = 0, Bx = 0, Cy = 0, Cx = 0, Dy = 0, Dx = 0, Ey = 0, Ex = 0; if (document.layers) { for (i = 0; i < amount; i++) { document.write('<layer name=nsl'+i+' top=0 left=0><font face='+FonT+' size='+SizE+' color='+ColoR+'>'+message+'</font></layer>'); } window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); function nsmouse(evnt) { xpos = evnt.pageX + 20; ypos = evnt.pageY + 20; } window.onMouseMove = nsmouse; } else if (document.all) { document.write("<div id='outer' style='position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px'>"); document.write("<div style='position:relative'>"); for (i = 0; i < amount; i++) { document.write('<div id="text"'+i+' style=& quot;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px; width:400px;height:20px"><font face='+FonT+' size='+SizE+' color='+ColoR+'>'+message+'</font></div>') } document.write("</div>"); document.write("</div>"); function iemouse() { ypos = event.y + 20; xpos = event.x + 20; } window.document.onmousemove = iemouse; } function makefollow() { if (document.layers) { document.layers['nsl'+0].top = ay; document.layers['nsl'+0].left = ax; document.layers['nsl'+1].top = by; document.layers['nsl'+1].left = bx; document.layers['nsl'+2].top = cy; document.layers['nsl'+2].left = cx; document.layers['nsl'+3].top = Dy; document.layers['nsl'+3].left = Dx; document.layers['nsl'+4].top = Ey; document.layers['nsl'+4].left = Ex; } else if (document.all) { outer.style.pixelTop = document.body.scrollTop; text[0].style.pixelTop = ay; text[0].style.pixelLeft = ax; text[1].style.pixelTop = by; text[1].style.pixelLeft = bx; text[2].style.pixelTop = cy; text[2].style.pixelLeft = cx; text[3].style.pixelTop = Dy; text[3].style.pixelLeft = Dx; text[4].style.pixelTop = Ey; text[4].style.pixelLeft = Ex; } } function move() { ey = Ey += (ypos - Ey) * 0.2; ex = Ex += (xpos - Ex) * 0.2; dy = Dy += (ey - Dy) * 0.3; dx = Dx += (ex - Dx) * 0.3; cy = Cy += (dy - Cy) * 0.4; cx = Cx += (dx - Cx) * 0.4; by = By += (cy - By) * 0.5; bx = Bx += (cx - Bx) * 0.5; ay = Ay += (by - Ay) * 0.6; ax = Ax += (bx - Ax) * 0.6; makefollow(); setTimeout('move()', 10); } window.onload=move; // End --> </script> <!-- Script Size: 2.91 KB -->
Chuỗi các ngôi sao bay theo Mouse
Chú ý : Cần ảnh 6 ngôi sao , đặt nó trong 1 thư mục có tên là Images, bên ngoài thư mục đó là trang web có chứa đoạn mã bên dướiCode:<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Hieu u'ng JavaScript - Le Quang Anh Hu'ng</TITLE> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=x-user-defined"> <META content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0" name=GENERATOR> <META content="Le Quang Anh Hu'ng Homepage" name=Author> <script language=JavaScript> <!--Che dấu những trình duyệt mà không biết JavaScript (ở đây sử dụng câu lệnh If và else if) var version = 0; if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 4") != -1) version = 5; else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 3") != -1) version = 1; else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/4") != -1) version = 4; else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/4.5") != -1) version = 7; else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/3") != -1) version = 3; else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mozilla/2") != -1) version = 2; else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 4.5") != -1) version = 6; else version = 8; // --> </SCRIPT> <STYLE> <!-- Nơi đây dùng để tạo mẫu kích thước, vị trí cho Images(6 ngôi sao)--> #trailsprite1 { HEIGHT: 10px; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 1px; VISIBILITY: visible; WIDTH: 10px; Z-INDEX: 100 } #trailsprite2 { HEIGHT: 10px; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; VISIBILITY: visible; WIDTH: 10px; Z-INDEX: 10 } #trailsprite3 { HEIGHT: 10px; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; VISIBILITY: visible; WIDTH: 10px; Z-INDEX: 10 } #trailsprite4 { HEIGHT: 10px; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; VISIBILITY: visible; WIDTH: 10px; Z-INDEX: 10 } #trailsprite5 { HEIGHT: 10px; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; VISIBILITY: visible; WIDTH: 10px; Z-INDEX: 10 } #trailsprite6 { HEIGHT: 10px; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 0px; VISIBILITY: visible; WIDTH: 10px; Z-INDEX: 10 } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=#000000> <!-- chỉ màu nền background color --> <script language=JavaScript1.1> if (version > 3) <!-- Nếu ver > 3 (JavaScript) khi đó sẽ xuất ra màn hình bức ảnh thứ 1 và thứ tự tiếp theo ứng với mỗi images bao gồm chiều cao, viền, tên, Id --> document.write('<div id="trailSprite1"><img src="http://www.vn-zoom.com/images/trailgif1.gif"height="10"width="10"border="0"name= "trailSprite1img"></div><div id="trailSprite2"><img src="http://www.vn-zoom.com/images/trailgif2.gif"height="10"width="10"border="0"name= "trailSprite2img"></div><div id="trailSprite3"><img src="http://www.vn-zoom.com/images/trailgif3.gif"height="10"width="10"border="0"name= "trailSprite3img"></div><div id="trailSprite4"><img src="http://www.vn-zoom.com/images/trailgif4.gif"height="10"width="10"border="0"name= "trailSprite4img"></div><div id="trailSprite5"><img src="http://www.vn-zoom.com/images/trailgif5.gif"height="10"width="10"border="0"name= "trailSprite5img"></div><div id="trailSprite6"><img src="http://www.vn-zoom.com/images/trailgif6.gif"height="10"width="10"border="0"name= "trailSprite6img"></div>') </SCRIPT> <script language=JavaScript> <!-- Nơi dòng lệnh này hỗ trợ cho trình duyệt Netscape không có cũng chẳng sao --> <!-- NS4 = (("Netscape"==navigator.appName) && ("4"<=parseInt(navigator.appVersion))) window.name = "right" <!-- Bạn phải cẩn thận ngay chổ chữ "right" đây là chỗ nguy hiểm chết người nếu bạn không để ý frames của bạn sẽ sổ tầm bậy liền đó, chính vì vậy bạn ấn định để sổ frames tên gì thì phải đặt tên đó à nghe! --> // --> </SCRIPT> <script language=Javascript1.1> <!-- var isNS = (navigator.appName == "Netscape"); layerRef = (isNS) ? "document" : "document.all"; styleRef = (isNS) ? "" : ".style"; var queue = new Array();var NUM_OF_TRAIL_PARTS = 6 for (x=1; x < 7; x++) { ///////////////Image Preload eval("trailSpriteFrame" + x + "=new Image(10,10);"); eval("trailSpriteFrame" + x + ".src='images/trailgif"+x+".gif';"); }////////////////////////////////////////////////Đối tượng vệt ngôi sao chạy theo mouse function trailSpriteObj(anID) { this.trailSpriteID = "trailSprite" + anID; //Tùy đằng trước this.imgRef = "trailSprite" + anID + "img"; //Chuyển tới tên những ngôi sau this.currentFrame = 1; //nhìn thấy khung this.animateTrailSprite = animateTrailSprite; //Khai báo phương pháp vòng lặp đối tượng } function animateTrailSprite() { if (this.currentFrame <7) {// Nếu có hoạt cảnh (mà) những khung rời bỏ, thay đổi những ngôi sao kết cấu hiện thời if (isNS) { //Phát hiện ra bộ duyệt và thực hiện sự chuyển đổi hình ảnh eval("document['"+this.imgRef+"'].src=trailSpriteFrame" + this.currentFrame + ".src"); } else { eval("document['"+this.imgRef+"'].src=trailSpriteFrame" + this.currentFrame + ".src"); } this.currentFrame ++; //và tăng thêm hiện thời những đối tượng hình ảnh } else { //Khung hiện hành như vậy đạt đến giới hạn nó che dấu ngôi sao eval(layerRef + '.' + this.trailSpriteID + styleRef + '.visibility="hidden"'); } }///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function processAnim() { for(x=0; x < NUM_OF_TRAIL_PARTS; x++) queue[x].animateTrailSprite(); } function processMouse(e) { currentObj = shuffleQueue(); if (isNS) { eval("document." + currentObj + ".left=e.pageX-0;"); eval("document." + currentObj + ".top=e.pageY+5;"); } else { eval("document.all." + currentObj + ".style.pixelLeft=event.clientX+document.body.scro llLeft-0;"); eval("document.all." + currentObj + ".style.pixelTop=event.clientY+document.body.scrol lTop+5;"); } } function shuffleQueue() { lastItemPos = queue.length - 1; lastItem = queue[lastItemPos]; for (i = lastItemPos; i>0; i--) queue[i] = queue[i-1]; queue[0] = lastItem; queue[0].currentFrame = 1; //sự sắp đặt lại số thứ tự hình ảnh của những đối tượng & làm cho ngôi sao rõ ràng thêm eval(layerRef + '.' + queue[0].trailSpriteID + styleRef + '.visibility="visible"'); return queue[0].trailSpriteID; } function init() { for(x=0; x<NUM_OF_TRAIL_PARTS; x++) //Sắp hàng đầy đủ vệt dài của đối tượng queue[x] = new trailSpriteObj(x+1); if (isNS) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); } document.onmousemove = processMouse; setInterval("processAnim();",25); } if (version > 3) window.onload = init; // --> </SCRIPT> </body> </html>
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